Just caught up in real-life work, and trying to work out the best means of posting picture galleries on this website, which turns out to be a leeeeeeetle more complicated than I thought it ought to be. But some picture galleries are posted, so that is all to the good.

Work is progressing on the next book, The Quivera Trail, and I have sent in the contract and fees for a table at the New Braunfels Weinachtsmarkt 2013 to secure the table – Friday and Saturday only, though. I will begin taking advance orders for the Quivera Trail in about mid-October, for books to be delivered in mid-November. I’ll have an announcement up, and an order page.

My daughter, who does origami art, wants us to have a table at the Boerne Marketplace in Boerne in November, so we are working out ways to get that done.


  1. Esther Shaffer

    Have you added to The Adelsverein Trilogy Walking Tour since Decembr 2010?

    That one ended up at old St Mary’s and the Pioneer Museum, with a promise of added key locations.

    Our book club is reviewing The Gathering this Thursday July 25, 2013.

  2. I haven’t – I did want to find out exactly where the forge was, on Main Street – but no one has been able to tell me, and I’ve been caught up in other things.
    Where is your book club going to meet? If you would like me to check in by phone, or in person, let me know!