25. June 2014 · Comments Off on Celia’s eBook Collections · Categories: Random Book and Media Musings

I went ahead and assembled various posts on historical incidents and famous – or not-so-famous people – this last weekend, and put it up on Amazon as a Kindle edition:
Far Frontier Cover Mockup copy
To The Farthest Frontier is a collection from the last year or so; featuring people like Dame Shirley Clappe, Billy the Kid, Tiberico Vasquez and the McCulloch brothers. I should have it up on Nook in a bit – these things take a bit of time and care to set up, and I get most sales for eBooks from Amazon anyway. So – priorities.

My previous collection,  Westering Wagons is available, of course – other essays about the frontier, the Gold Rush, the emigrant experience and all: Cover - Westering Wagons Basic


I have also made some other eBook collections of blog posts available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. For instance – divers essays and reminiscences regarding my two decades in the Big Blue Air Force Machine: Air Force Daze
Air Force Daze - Cover



Travels With Blondie touches a little on my time in the military as well, since for sixteen years of it, I was also a single parent – and one with the inestimable good luck to be stationed overseas with my daughter. She was born in Japan (where I happened to be at the time) and was raised in Greece and Spain until we returned to the States more or less permanently when she was twelve years old. Yes, the culture shock was huge. Cover - Travels With Blondie copy


And finally – there is a whole collection dedicated to Texas,  The Heart of Texas which can be seen as a very extended footnote to the Adelsverein Trilogy. All of these individual essays and posts are widely scattered over in their original format over several websites and about a decades’ worth of archives, so having them all assembled and organized makes it much more convenient for the reader. Cover - The Heart of Texas - Smaller

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